Verslag Dames 3 tegen Warmond

‘Dames 3’ travelled to the cold courts of Warmond last Friday.

First up for Haagsche Diepput Meeling was pitted against an opponent of similar experience.  Meeling kept her cool remembering coaching from Carl to ‘get the ball to the back’ and the team motto ‘hit it like you mean it’.  First game was very exciting with Meeling just missing out losing 12-14.  Both players had a similar style and it looked as if they had been given the same tips from the rest of their teams but Warmond just managed more accuracy to win the next two games.  


Kitty at the number 2 spot began super playing some tight shots to the back whilst her opponent was still ‘in the start blocks’.  In no time she raced to take the first game.  Her opponent though had a rethink in the second game and played a series of crosses to take the pace of the ball to level the match. And so it continued with Barbara from Warmond playing some surprising accurate drops but when Kitty was able to pick up the pace she gained an advantage but not quite enough to pull it off resulting in 3-2 match for Warmond. 


Als derde op de baan: Jill, altijd (ogenschijnlijk) rust zelve en vertrouwend op haar slagen!! Toch moest Jill de eerste game nog wat inkomen en daar maakte Suzanne (excellent badmintonspeelster) gebruik van (5-11).  2de game: plan is de tegenstander te frustreren en te irriteren!! (we hebben zo onze strategieën bij Dames 3 (-;). Echter het mocht niet baten, Suzanne sloeg er hard oplos!! en de bal vloog alle hoeken in (1-11).  Derde game: nieuwe strategie bedacht….. een die goed bij Jill past!! lobben en strak langs de muur spelen. Jill krijgt hierdoor meer grip op het spel te krijgen met succes.... Jill komt voor te staan 6-3, 8-5,9-7, 9-9 helaas uiteindelijk gaat ook deze game naar Suzanne. Balen want Jill kwam op stoom en zette de tegenstander goed onder druk in de laaste game de volgende had Jill zeker gepakt!!!


Meike was last on court and had all the pressure on her shoulders to try and pull back some points. Facing a very experienced opponent she stayed calm making use of her strength for some shots to the back – first one in the bag for Haagsche Dieput 11-8. With some off court advice to serve high and keep those shots going to the back corners she tried to do the same in the second game.  Unfortunately, Jose came back with some amazing shots that dropped dead in the corners and despite only having two shots in her repertoire (namely a drop and a lob serve) she managed to serve out the game for Warmond 3-1.

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